Greyhound vets know greyhounds best. Don't take a Ferrari to a Toyota dealership.
Greyhounds are unlike any other dog in many ways, and they do have some specific medical peculiarities that owners and vets should be aware of.
A Greyhound’s blood work differs from other breeds in the following ways:
Greyhounds have more red blood cells (7.4 – 9.0)
Greyhounds have elevated Hemoglobin (19.0 – 21.5)
Greyhounds have elevated Packed Cell Volume (55 – 65)
Greyhounds have lower white blood count (3.5 – 6.5)
Greyhound’s platelet numbers are lower (120,000 – 160,000)
Differences between the greyhound and other breeds:
Greyhound’s total proteins tend to run lower (4.5 – 6.0)
Greyhounds Globulin tend to run lower (2.1 – 3.2)
Greyhounds Creatinines run higher (.8 – 1.6)
Greyhounds Thyroid levels are usually lower (.05 – 1.7)
The greyhound has greater susceptibility to anesthesia due to low percentage of body fat and the manner is which the liver processes drugs; the liver metabolizes these substances more slowly, keeping it in their body longer, thus taking them longer to recover from drugs.
The anesthetic agents used must wear off quickly. Barbiturates are NOT safe to use on greyhounds.
Adoption groups across the globe will know who the most knowledgeable greyhound vets are in your area.